Homebrew support group.....

First IPA on my homebrew list. New for this batch is the utilization of hop leaves rather than plugs. For equipment I also upgraded the drain valve to suck the last 2 gallons out as well as a hop screen (sink drain screen, stainless and only $5)

I found the recipe on Ratebeer.com and I was able to follow it closeley except I made a change to the yeast.
1 lb briess caramel 40
3.13 lbs gold malt syrup @ 60 min
6.00 lbs gold malt syrup @ 15 min
1 oz centennial hops @ 60 min
1 oz centennial hops @ 20 min
2 oz centennial hops @ 5 min
1 oz centennial hops @ secondary
us-05 dry yeast
After 18 hours, I've got fermentation, but the temp is up around 75/76 and the krysen is rather minimal, so I put some frozen jugs around it to try to lower the temp. I wish I had a keg tub I could put it in, that would make it easy to lower the temp.
Yikes! Cool that sucka down fast!
Just throw it in a tupperware tub with some ice and water, that will at least get it a little lower
I got it down to 72/73. It's fermenting a lot, just not as violently as the last few batches I've had. I wonder if I should pitch another us-05? Or just try to keep the temp down.
I would do what Matt said and also put an old towel around it. If you get the towel wet the evaporative cooling should drop it below 70. This is the first thing I do after I pitch my yeast and throw the blowoff tube on. If you really want to drop it fast point a fan at it. I wouldn't pitch another pack unless your OG was over 1.080. It might be slow, but it should still attenuate pretty low.
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