Homebrew Journal
I found the recipe on Ratebeer.com and I was able to follow it closeley except I made a change to the yeast.
1 lb briess caramel 40
3.13 lbs gold malt syrup @ 60 min
6.00 lbs gold malt syrup @ 15 min
1 oz centennial hops @ 60 min
1 oz centennial hops @ 20 min
2 oz centennial hops @ 5 min
1 oz centennial hops @ secondary
us-05 dry yeast
After 18 hours, I've got fermentation, but the temp is up around 75/76 and the krysen is rather minimal, so I put some frozen jugs around it to try to lower the temp. I wish I had a keg tub I could put it in, that would make it easy to lower the temp.
There is a weld seam I had to be above so that I could seal the fittings. After draining the wort on brew day there was about 2 gallons below the fitting. So most of it came out when I tipped the keg, but I ended up siphoning the rest out, not that fun. So I'm looking at adding a bazooka T and a Sanke adapter from Northerbrewer. What do you guys think about this vs a false bottom? With a false bottom, I'm concerned that while still in extract brewing, I'll get malt stuck on the bottom and have some burning issues.
Fermentation started the next morning, this picture is about 18 hours later. The temperature is high, 78 deg, so i'm going to throw it in the basement after I'm done with this post. I started with a blow off tube and it looks like I could have gotten by with a regular air lock, The Kraeusen didn't make it to the top during the peak of activity.