Here is the first of four beer taps to exit my fridge. I spent some time measuring and spacing out for 4 taps. They will be on 4" centers. So there is an even spread on the door and they won't be too close together. I initially wanted to drill a 7/8 dia hole, but all I could find for under $10 was a 1" hole saw. I could have bought a 7/8 but it would have cost $25 by buying the parts separately, same manufacturer too. Anyways, 1" worked just fine. I sanitized all the parts while I punched the hole. I went with 5' x 3/16" ID tubing. The first pour was a bit foamy. The second was beautiful. So, now I need 3 more shanks, 2 more faucets, and all the other little hardware pieces. I'm stoked on this latest feature to the brew fridge. Now I want a nice bar to stick it in. I guess I will have to move... As far as tap handles, I'm undecided if I'll buy the 6" std round pub handles, or if I'll buy the brass inserts and make my own. The later sounds like a lot of work. I think I'll start with the $3 el cheapo black stubby handles. The first beer to get hooked up is the Belgian Dubble, and thus I will need to brew another belgian beer because that keg will be gone very soon now... I need to brew very soon
That makes me thirsty! It makes me glad I just poured a beer from my keggerator!!! mmmmmmmmm beer!
Looks good! On various forums I've seen guys take spindles from stairways or chair legs and stuff and chop em up a little and use those as tap handles. Some of them look pretty cool too. Just a thought.
That's not a bad idea. Jenny's dad has a wood lathe I could use too. I poked around on ebay and craigslist last night for tap handles and most of them are for bud or miller. I didn't find any that didn't have a logo on it. I was thinking maybe try to match the type of beer with the handle, such as a Sierra Nevada handle with my pale ale keg, and a Guiness handle with the stout keg and so forth and such... This way I could just collect a bunch and swap them out with different beers.
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